End of Blair
The day Blair became Prime Minister the weather was beautiful and sunny. Brown steps up and it is dull and grey. Perhaps there is a higher power after all and he is trying to tell us something.
Using the power of the internet to share the musings and the occassional profound opinion of an amateur Conservative blogger. Thanks for dropping by.
The day Blair became Prime Minister the weather was beautiful and sunny. Brown steps up and it is dull and grey. Perhaps there is a higher power after all and he is trying to tell us something.
Labels: Gordon Brown, Tony Blair
In order to illustrate my point, I used the analogy of breaking into someone's home. Just because a reporter suspects a person may have incriminating information kept in their safe, does not mean...
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The moment I saw you, you gave off the impression of having been a student conservative activist at some point. You can take the boy out of the Tories, but you can't take the Tory out of the boy.
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